Preston Rosamond |
Regardless of where you are in your working life, the idea of retirement probably crosses your mind regularly. It’s a milestone we often start thinking about as soon as we join the workforce and many of us relish the idea of slowing down, changing pace, and finally having all the time we need to pursue passions and invest in relationships. But what happens when you get to retirement and it’s not all it’s cracked up...
Preston Rosamond |
We’re halfway through 2018, and after a booming 2017, our economy has seen its fair share of ups and downs, market volatility, trade uncertainty, and record unemployment numbers. However, as most individual Americans see it, things are looking up. Here’s a bird’s-eye view of our economy as we reach the mid-year mark of 2018. Confidence Is Up Consumer sentiment, as measured by the University of Michigan, remains above average, with June increasing to 99.3 points...
When we get a diagnosis from a doctor, it’s pretty normal for us to get a second opinion. Same goes for doing other types of research. We look at all the pros and cons, gather as much as information as we can and talk it through with friends or loved ones. We all know the point of all this is to gain a better insight into a situation and hopefully get make a well-informed decision...
Preston Rosamond |
Risk is everywhere, every day. We often go about our lives blind to risk until the unexpected happens. But when it comes to your money, do you know how much risk you have? We frequently hear about how important and necessary a 401(k) plan is for retirement, but with such a beneficial investment opportunity comes inherent risks, from choosing appropriate funds to understanding hidden fees. When was the last time you analyzed your 401(k), or...
Preston Rosamond |
By Preston Rosamond Regardless of whether your child is two or twelve, the thought of college has probably crossed your mind. In the busyness of life and never-ending financial pressures, it is all too easy to put saving for college on the back burner. But one thing in life is certain; it moves quickly. Don’t get caught unaware and unprepared for college. Your child’s education is one of the most important investments you can make...
Have you ever experienced buyer’s remorse after making a big purchase? Have you felt embarrassed about the state of your financial affairs? Or maybe you’ve let fear of failure keep you from investing or even creating a budget. If you’ve found yourself in any of these situations, you know that there’s way more to money than the number in your bank account. Emotions play a significant role in our financial lives and psychologists refer to...
Whenever there is talk of tax reform, our first thought is usually, “How will this affect me?” Because we work so hard for our money, it’s concerning when changes outside of our control threaten our personal finances. When President Trump’s Tax Cuts and Job Acts was passed by Congress on December 20, 2017, it included a number of changes to the U.S. tax code that will impact both corporations and individuals. With tax season in...
Preston Rosamond |
You have a unique life, unique circumstances, and unique goals. It only makes sense then that you deserve a unique financial plan and investment portfolio to go with it. At The Rosamond Financial Group, your goals are our passion and focus in all we do. This motto serves as a constant reminder that the most important thing we do is help our clients and their families pursue their unique financial goals. Who We Are The...
Preston Rosamond |
People often ask me why I entered this industry and became a financial advisor. Like many people, I didn’t grow up knowing what I wanted to be or what I wanted to do with my career. What I did know is I liked the idea of working with people, building long-term professional relationships, and helping them solve their problems. As a native Texan, I grew up on a working cattle ranch. My experiences taught me...