By Preston Rosamond Shopping for life insurance—and, indeed, any kind of insurance—is not a one-and-done kind of deal. As your circumstances change, you will likely find that your life insurance coverage and add-ons need to change as well. After all, life insurance is one of the most important components of your financial plan to make sure your loved ones are protected if you pass away. The truth is, you don’t know when your family is...
By Preston Rosamond What are the most important things in your life? Family? Health? A sense of purpose? While money may not top that list, it affects every part of your life and can give you the security and stability that positively impacts the things that matter most. But because of its far-reaching impact, managing money often leads to stress and worry. That’s why an advisor plays one of the most prominent roles in a...
By Preston Rosamond The last thing we want to think about is one day leaving our children. Forget the somber details; rather, focus on the positives—the legacy you’ll be leaving them. Have you thought about what that legacy will look like? Will the inheritance you leave for your kids be a gift that ensures their security for years to come, or a mess of assets, liabilities, and confusing records that will take years to sort...
By Preston Rosamond The stage of life after retiring from a career is often referred to as “the golden years.” More time for family, traveling, and hobbies…what could be better? And after the year we’ve just been through, I’m willing to bet everyone’s looking forward to a peaceful retirement now more than ever. But those golden years don’t come without active planning and saving. There are countless retirement savings options—the problem is finding the best...
By Preston Rosamond Regardless of where you fall on the political spectrum, it is true that each new presidential administration ushers in policy changes. A changeover in administration in the White House will likely have at least some impact on your personal finances, which can cause uncertainty or even fear for many of us. A change in our country’s leadership can be a good time to reevaluate your financial plan. Broadly speaking, you want to...
By Preston Rosamond Gold has a multitude of special characteristics: it conducts electricity, doesn’t tarnish, is very easy to work, and has a great color and a brilliant luster—just to name a few. Gold can also be a useful tool for diversification. But do the positives outweigh the negatives? Gold has been used for centuries for many purposes, including preserving wealth and hedging against weak currencies and economies and inflation. The price of gold tends...
By Preston Rosamond Our retirement can span decades and require sizable assets to take care of all our needs in our non-working years. Every retiree is trying to figure out how they can make the most of their golden years, while ensuring they don’t run out of money. With so many factors to consider, pinpointing the exact amount of assets we need can be tricky. Add in the glut of contradictory advice online and we’re...
By Preston Rosamond 2020 is finally behind us and 2021 is well underway. But the COVID-19 pandemic and its far-reaching implications still disrupts daily life across the globe. Although resilient Americans have adjusted and adapted to these uncertain times, there’s no end in sight to the increased stress you’ve likely been experiencing over the last year. There’s still a lot to lose sleep over: the off-and-on shutdowns and quarantines; job and business uncertainty; concern for...
By Preston Rosamond No one likes to think of the future death of a loved one, but considering the events of this past year, we’ve all learned we can’t take life for granted and being caught unprepared only exacerbates the grief. And considering the difference in life expectancies of men and women, widowhood is a possibility you need to take seriously. While there is really no way to prepare emotionally for the loss of a...
Preston Rosamond |
By Preston Rosamond From a global pandemic to a contentious election season to social upheaval, it’s no surprise we have seen increased market volatility over the last year. News headlines will have you believe our world is spinning out of control, which can lead to panic and a number of other emotions. In times like these, often our first thoughts go to our finances. When it comes to our investments, income, threats to our lifestyle...
By Preston Rosamond After the challenging year we’ve all just endured, I’m sure the desire to enjoy a satisfying retirement free from worry has never been higher. Although the ideal retirement might look different from person to person, one universal goal is to not outlive our funds after the steady paychecks stop coming in. Achieving this goal is no easy task, but there’s nothing more resourceful than a 401(k) to help you out. And if...
By Preston Rosamond The world is not like the Mad Men series, set in the ’60s, where you stay with a company for your entire career and drink whiskey for lunch. Nowadays, a person will have a career that spans multiple employers. Mad Men also didn’t have 401(k)s. When a person retires, their retirement assets could be splintered around two, three, or more employers. How do you get a handle on all the plans you’ve...