Jump-Start Your Financial Plan For 2019!

Preston Rosamond |

By Preston Rosamond

It’s a brand-new year, and if you’re like many other Americans, you find yourself with fresh motivation to conquer goals and accomplish the tasks that you know are important. And while setting New Year’s resolutions is a healthy way to set your intentions for the year, 80% of resolutions fail by February. (1) Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be this way. If you have dreams of making 2019 your best financial year yet, these seven small but impactful steps will help you jumpstart your financial plan and set a firm foundation for your financial life.

1. Start Where You Are

Don’t let your past mistakes keep you from moving forward. Did you make some bad investments or neglect to save? Instead of dwelling on what you wish you could’ve done differently, learn from your mistakes, reflecting on what worked and what didn’t. Then take your newfound insight and wisdom and move forward. Take stock of your current financial situation, including income, savings, debt, and expenses, and decide what you want them to look like in both the short term and long term.

2. Set Goals And Objectives

Don’t be afraid to dream big financially. Do you want to save $100,000 in the next five years or fully fund your child’s college education? Having a lofty goal in mind that reflects your values can inspire you to stay on track, but you can’t stop there. Since it will take time to reach your goals, and obstacles will come up along the way, set attainable objectives and celebrate your progress.

Come up with deadlines to reach specific milestones on the way toward your overall goal. If you are trying to eliminate debt, for example, determine how much you will pay each month and what your subsequent debt amount will look like in six months, one year, or five years. It’s also important to use visual reminders to keep you on track and help you avoid discouragement. Whether you use a spreadsheet or a chart hung on your fridge door, measure your progress as time goes on and remember that small steps add up to significant progress over time.

Be sure to re-evaluate your goals frequently and make adjustments as needed. Having goals and an action plan to achieve your goals will give you perspective in your day-to-day decisions and help you prioritize your saving and spending.

3. Make Your Life Easier

Our lives are becoming increasingly busy, and it’s often the seemingly less important financial tasks that fall to the wayside. Thankfully, financial technology has come a long way. Take advantage of the tools available to streamline your financial life so you can devote your time and attention to the things that matter most.

Automating your bills and savings not only organizes your life but also has long-term benefits for your financial picture. Paying your bills automatically tends to improve your credit score, makes budgeting simpler, and can also make income tax preparation easier. Additionally, by automating your savings, you give yourself a chance to save before you can even touch the money.

If budgeting is your pain point, look for a budgeting platform that works for you, and talk to your financial professional to find out if they offer software that allows you to see all your accounts in one place and track your progress toward your goals.

4. Tackle Your Debt

If you are ready to start conquering your goals, one of the first steps you need to take is to eliminate debt. When you have to pay 10-30% interest on any number of credit cards or loans, you limit the amount of money you have available to put toward your goals. Become relentless about reducing your debt and interest costs, and consolidate accounts where you can. If you have a loan with a significantly higher interest rate than the others, you may want to work on paying off that one first. Or, if you’re feeling overwhelmed by debt, try paying off the loan with the smallest balance first, no matter the interest rate, in order to gain some momentum. Find a debt calculator to figure out how long it will take to pay off your debt and build extra payments into your monthly budget so you aren’t tempted to spend that money elsewhere.

Creating an emergency fund can help you avoid accumulating more debt. By setting up a liquid, easily accessible savings account, you won’t have to rely on debt to cover those inevitable life expenses, such as home repairs or medical bills. Create this cash cushion by putting aside money from each paycheck until you have enough to cover approximately three to six months’ worth of living expenses. You will never regret having an emergency fund at the ready.

5. Make Purposeful Investments

Anyone can close their eyes and pick a random mix of mutual funds to invest in, but having a customized retirement plan based on your circumstances, goals, and risk level is what will get you from point A to point B. Asset allocation is the most critical investment decision you can make, especially in our current volatile market.

Work with a financial professional to determine your risk tolerance level and create an investment strategy that will give your portfolio a clear sense of purpose. It’s also critical to rebalance on occasion to ensure your portfolio is still aligned with your goals and time horizon.

6. Consider Unexpected Risks To Your Financial Plan

No matter how hard you work to create a foolproof financial plan, there will always be risks and roadblocks that have the potential to get you off course. Inflation will decrease your purchasing power and rising healthcare costs can eat away at your nest egg. Unexpected early retirement could change the time frame of your goals, tax changes could throw a wrench into your planning, and the loss of a spouse could impact your standard of living. Speak with your advisor to find ways to protect yourself against these risks.

7. Partner With A Financial Professional

Whatever your situation, whatever your goals, a financial professional can walk you through each of these steps to get your financial plan in shape. You’re much more likely to make your New Year’s resolution a reality if you have a concrete plan in place. Let us help you create a customized, detailed blueprint of what you need to do in order to meet your goals. Book a free introductory meeting online or contact us by phone at 830-798-9400 or by email at smrosamond@rosamondfinancialgroup.com to request an appointment.

About Preston

Preston Rosamond is a financial advisor and the founder of The Rosamond Financial Group Wealth Management, LLC with nearly two decades of industry experience. He provides comprehensive wealth management and financial services to individuals, professionals, and families who enjoy simplicity and seek a professional to help them pursue their goals. Preston personally serves his clients with an individual touch and a sincere heart, and his servant’s attitude is evident from the moment you meet him. Learn more about Preston or start the conversation about your finances with him by emailing smrosamond@rosamondfinancialgroup.com or schedule a call with our online calendar.


(1) https://health.usnews.com/health-news/blogs/eat-run/articles/2015-12-29/why-80-percent-of-new-years-resolutions-fail